Computer Based Combined Medical Services Examination (CMSE) 2014
The Union Public Service Commission is conducting a combined Medical Services Examination, 2014 on the 22nd
June, 2014 in accordance with the Rules published by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (Dept. of Health)
in the Gazette of India and also in Employment News on the 22nd March, 2014.
Computer Based CMSE, 2014
In accordance with the Examination Rules, the written examination for Combined Medical Services Examination
for two objective type papers hitherto was being conducted through the OMR sheets. The Commission has now
decided that the written part of the ensuing combined Medical Services Examination, 2014 to be held on the 22nd
June, 2014 will now be conducted in Computer Based mode. There will be no changes in the syllabus and the
scheme of this examination. The candidates appearing in the above examination are advised to take note of the
above change in the mode of written part of the above examination. A demo module for computer based mode of
this examination is also available on UPSC website (www.upsc.gov.in).
Reporting Time
The candidates admitted to the Computer Based CMSE, 2014 are to required report at their respective centre
venue at 08.00 AM for forenoon session and at 01.00 PM for afternoon session on the day of the examination.
The main entrance for the candidates will be closed at 09.00 AM for forenoon session and at 02.00 PM for
afternoon session. For their own convenience, the candidates are advised to visit their respective centre venue
one day before the day of examination and familiarize themselves with the itinerary.
e-Admit Cards
The e-Admit Cards of the candidates for the above examinations are available on the Commission’s website
(http://www.upsc.gov.in). The candidates are advised to download their e-Admit Cards and take a printout
thereof. The admitted candidates will have to produce the printout of their e-Admit Cards at the allotted venue for
appearing in the examination. In case the photograph is not visible or available on the e-Admit Cards,
candidates are advised to carry identical photographs (one photograph for each session) along with proof of
Identity such as Identity Card or Voter Identity Card or Passport or Driving License and the printout of e-Admit
Card at the venue of the examination. No paper Admit Card will be issued for the examinations by the
The candidates are advised to take a printout of the e-Admit Card well in advance to avoid last minute
rush. In the past, cases have been noticed where some candidates have faced difficulty in accessing the
server on the last day on account of server overload.
In case of any discrepancy in the e-admit card, the same may be communicated to the Commission immediately
by e-mail at: uscms-upsc@nic.in latest by 13th June, 2014 to enable the Commission to take a decision in the
Union Public Service Commission
New Delhi-110069, 6th June, 2014, 15 Jyaishtha, Saka 1936
Computer Based Combined Medical Services Examination (CMSE) 2014
Date of Examination – 22nd June, 2014 (Sunday)
Forenoon Session
Paper – I (Code 01)
Reporting Time
08:00 AM
Entry Gate Closes
09:00 AM
10:00 AM TO 12:00 Noon
Afternoon Session
Paper – II (Code 02)
Reporting Time
01:00 PM
Entry Gate Closes
02:00 PM
03:00 PM to 05:00 PM
Candidates Entry Instructions
1) Candidates must queue outside the entry gate and enter in an orderly manner.
2) While entering, the candidates must show their Admit Cards to the security at the Main Gate.
3) Candidates are allowed to enter the Examination Venues and registration would start from
08:30 AM for Forenoon Session and from 01:30 PM for Afternoon Session.
4) Candidates' entry shall NOT be allowed into the Examination venue after the entry gate closing
time under any circumstances.
5) The candidates’ registration closes at 09:30 AM for Forenoon Session and 02:30 PM for
Afternoon Session.
1. Check the e-Admit Card carefully and bring discrepancies, if any, to the notice of UPSC immediately.
Candidates who do not have clear photographs on the e-admit card will have to bring a photo identity
proof viz. Adhar Card, Driving License, Passport, Voter I Card etc. and two passport size photographs
for appearing in the Examination with an undertaking.
2. Mention your Name, Roll Number, Registration ID and Name & Year of the Exam in all the
correspondence with UPSC.
3. Bring this e-admit card to secure admission to Examination Hall. E-admit card may be preserved till the
declaration of written result.
4. You are responsible for safe custody of the e-admit card and in the event of any other person using this
e-admit card, the onus lies on you to prove that you have not used the service of any impersonator.
5. Candidates to please ensure that they reach the Venue of the Exam by the Reporting Time as
stipulated in the “Time Table and Instructions to Candidates” available on the Commission’s Website:
www.upsc.gov.in failing which they will not be admitted to the Exam.
6. If you appear at a centre/sub-centre other than the one indicated by the Commission in your e-admit
card, your answer script will not be evaluated and your candidature is liable to be cancelled.
7. Your candidature to the Exam is provisional.
8. Mobile Phones, Calculators or any of the IT Gadgets are not allowed inside the premises where the
Examination is being conducted. Any infringements of these instructions shall entail disciplinary action
including ban from future examinations.
9. There will be penalty (Negative Marking) for wrong answers marked by a candidate in the objective type
Question Papers.
10. Candidates are advised not to bring any valuables/costly items to the Examination Halls, as safe
keeping of the same cannot be assured. The Commission will not be responsible for any loss in this
11. In order to familiarize themselves with the Computer based CMS 2014 Exam, the candidates are
advised to go through the Demo of the Computer based Examination on the UPSC website
In order to familiarize themselves with Computer Based Examination, the candidates are advised to go
through the demo of the Computer Based Examination on the UPSC website www.upsc.qov.in.
1. No candidate will be allowed to leave the Examination Lab during the Examination.
2. No candidate is allowed to leave his/her seat without permission of the invigilator.
3. The candidates are advised to bring their own pencil and pen containing blue or black ink. One paper
shall be provided for rough work.
1) Examination time period is: 120 minutes i.e. 2 hours.
2) Before the Examination, the candidate will be asked to read the instructions. Immediately after
reading of instructions, the log-in page for the Examination will appear. Candidates will have to enter
their roll number as user ID and password announced by the invigilator in the Examination log-in page.
3) The candidates need to immediately start the Examination by entering the Password as soon as it is
announced by the Invigilator. Rough worksheets will be provided to the candidates on demand.
4) In the event of the Examination being disrupted, the candidate should immediately inform the
invigilator. The invigilator will help the candidate to re-login to the Examination by clicking on the
Orange Button below RESUME Button on the left of the Exam Name. This will start the exam from
where it had stopped.
5) Numbered list of all questions will appear at the right side of the screen.
6) Keep a close watch on "Time Left" while appearing for the Examination.
7) Question once attempted, it would be final. However, answer can be changed at any time during the
Examination before final submission including unattempting the question using 'de-select' button.
8) This Examination carries negative marking. For every wrong answer, 0.33 marks will be deducted.
9) The 'submit' button would be activated only when you have viewed all the questions at least once.
10) You will be automatically stopped from answering questions when the time of Examination is over and
the Examination will auto-submit.
11) Candidates should not carry any books, paper, mobile phone or any other electronic item to the
Examination venue. UPSC will not be responsible for the safekeeping of such item.
12) Impersonation (to assume the identity of another with intent to deceive) and Plagiarism (the use and
submission of other people's work for assessment as though it were one's own) is forbidden.
13) Candidates must not, on any pretext whatsoever speak to or have any communication with any other
Candidates; such communication will be regarded as a breach of the Examination regulations.
14) Candidates in the Examination venue, who is found to have unauthorized materials in his/her possession,
shall be deemed to be in breach of the Examination regulations. All breaches of Examination regulations
shall be considered to constitute unfair practice. In case any candidate is found to be indulging in unfair
practice, he will be debarred from this and future exams of UPSC and/or liable for disciplinary action.
15) At the conclusion of the Examination, candidates must remain quietly seated and must not
communicate with one another till the entire Examination time has elapsed.
16) No candidate shall be permitted to leave Examination Lab till expiry of the allotted time.
17) No candidate shall be allowed to go to the toilet during the last 30 minutes of the Examination.
18) The candidate must abide by the instructions and such further instructions as may be given by
Supervisor/Invigilator of the Examination. If the candidate fails to do so or indulges in disorderly or
improper conduct, he/she will render himself/herself liable to expulsion from the Examination
and/or such other punishment as the Commission may deem fit to impose.
19) The candidate will furnish such necessary and correct information as may be required from him/her in
the Examination Lab by the Invigilator/Assistant Supervisor/Supervisor/other persons so authorized.
1) The candidate must note that his/her admission to the Examination is strictly "Provisional".
2) The mere fact that an e-Admit Card has been issued to him/her does not imply that the
candidature has been finally cleared by the Commission or that the entries made by the
candidate in his/her application for the Examination have been accepted by the Commission as
true and correct.
3) The candidate must note that the Commission takes up the verification of eligibility conditions i.e.
age, educational qualifications, community etc. with reference to original documents only of those
candidates who qualify in the Examination.
4) Unless the candidature is formally confirmed by the Commission, it continues to be "Provisional".
5) The candidate must also note that if subsequent to the issue of e-Admit Card, ineligibility is
detected at any stage before or after the Examination or if the conditions prescribed in the Rules
and Instructions given in the advertisement or any other additional information/documents
called for at any stage are not complied with within the time specified therein, the candidature
would be rejected.
6) Travelling and other expenses must be borne by the candidate himself/ herself. The Commission
does not make arrangements for boarding and lodging of any candidate.
Computer Based Combined Medical Services Examination (CMSE) 2014
The Union Public Service Commission is conducting a combined Medical Services Examination, 2014 on the 22nd
June, 2014 in accordance with the Rules published by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (Dept. of Health)
in the Gazette of India and also in Employment News on the 22nd March, 2014.
Computer Based CMSE, 2014
In accordance with the Examination Rules, the written examination for Combined Medical Services Examination
for two objective type papers hitherto was being conducted through the OMR sheets. The Commission has now
decided that the written part of the ensuing combined Medical Services Examination, 2014 to be held on the 22nd
June, 2014 will now be conducted in Computer Based mode. There will be no changes in the syllabus and the
scheme of this examination. The candidates appearing in the above examination are advised to take note of the
above change in the mode of written part of the above examination. A demo module for computer based mode of
this examination is also available on UPSC website (www.upsc.gov.in).
Reporting Time
The candidates admitted to the Computer Based CMSE, 2014 are to required report at their respective centre
venue at 08.00 AM for forenoon session and at 01.00 PM for afternoon session on the day of the examination.
The main entrance for the candidates will be closed at 09.00 AM for forenoon session and at 02.00 PM for
afternoon session. For their own convenience, the candidates are advised to visit their respective centre venue
one day before the day of examination and familiarize themselves with the itinerary.
e-Admit Cards
The e-Admit Cards of the candidates for the above examinations are available on the Commission’s website
(http://www.upsc.gov.in). The candidates are advised to download their e-Admit Cards and take a printout
thereof. The admitted candidates will have to produce the printout of their e-Admit Cards at the allotted venue for
appearing in the examination. In case the photograph is not visible or available on the e-Admit Cards,
candidates are advised to carry identical photographs (one photograph for each session) along with proof of
Identity such as Identity Card or Voter Identity Card or Passport or Driving License and the printout of e-Admit
Card at the venue of the examination. No paper Admit Card will be issued for the examinations by the
The candidates are advised to take a printout of the e-Admit Card well in advance to avoid last minute
rush. In the past, cases have been noticed where some candidates have faced difficulty in accessing the
server on the last day on account of server overload.
In case of any discrepancy in the e-admit card, the same may be communicated to the Commission immediately
by e-mail at: uscms-upsc@nic.in latest by 13th June, 2014 to enable the Commission to take a decision in the
Union Public Service Commission
New Delhi-110069, 6th June, 2014, 15 Jyaishtha, Saka 1936
Computer Based Combined Medical Services Examination (CMSE) 2014
Date of Examination – 22nd June, 2014 (Sunday)
Forenoon Session
Paper – I (Code 01)
Reporting Time
08:00 AM
Entry Gate Closes
09:00 AM
10:00 AM TO 12:00 Noon
Afternoon Session
Paper – II (Code 02)
Reporting Time
01:00 PM
Entry Gate Closes
02:00 PM
03:00 PM to 05:00 PM
Candidates Entry Instructions
1) Candidates must queue outside the entry gate and enter in an orderly manner.
2) While entering, the candidates must show their Admit Cards to the security at the Main Gate.
3) Candidates are allowed to enter the Examination Venues and registration would start from
08:30 AM for Forenoon Session and from 01:30 PM for Afternoon Session.
4) Candidates' entry shall NOT be allowed into the Examination venue after the entry gate closing
time under any circumstances.
5) The candidates’ registration closes at 09:30 AM for Forenoon Session and 02:30 PM for
Afternoon Session.
1. Check the e-Admit Card carefully and bring discrepancies, if any, to the notice of UPSC immediately.
Candidates who do not have clear photographs on the e-admit card will have to bring a photo identity
proof viz. Adhar Card, Driving License, Passport, Voter I Card etc. and two passport size photographs
for appearing in the Examination with an undertaking.
2. Mention your Name, Roll Number, Registration ID and Name & Year of the Exam in all the
correspondence with UPSC.
3. Bring this e-admit card to secure admission to Examination Hall. E-admit card may be preserved till the
declaration of written result.
4. You are responsible for safe custody of the e-admit card and in the event of any other person using this
e-admit card, the onus lies on you to prove that you have not used the service of any impersonator.
5. Candidates to please ensure that they reach the Venue of the Exam by the Reporting Time as
stipulated in the “Time Table and Instructions to Candidates” available on the Commission’s Website:
www.upsc.gov.in failing which they will not be admitted to the Exam.
6. If you appear at a centre/sub-centre other than the one indicated by the Commission in your e-admit
card, your answer script will not be evaluated and your candidature is liable to be cancelled.
7. Your candidature to the Exam is provisional.
8. Mobile Phones, Calculators or any of the IT Gadgets are not allowed inside the premises where the
Examination is being conducted. Any infringements of these instructions shall entail disciplinary action
including ban from future examinations.
9. There will be penalty (Negative Marking) for wrong answers marked by a candidate in the objective type
Question Papers.
10. Candidates are advised not to bring any valuables/costly items to the Examination Halls, as safe
keeping of the same cannot be assured. The Commission will not be responsible for any loss in this
11. In order to familiarize themselves with the Computer based CMS 2014 Exam, the candidates are
advised to go through the Demo of the Computer based Examination on the UPSC website
In order to familiarize themselves with Computer Based Examination, the candidates are advised to go
through the demo of the Computer Based Examination on the UPSC website www.upsc.qov.in.
1. No candidate will be allowed to leave the Examination Lab during the Examination.
2. No candidate is allowed to leave his/her seat without permission of the invigilator.
3. The candidates are advised to bring their own pencil and pen containing blue or black ink. One paper
shall be provided for rough work.
1) Examination time period is: 120 minutes i.e. 2 hours.
2) Before the Examination, the candidate will be asked to read the instructions. Immediately after
reading of instructions, the log-in page for the Examination will appear. Candidates will have to enter
their roll number as user ID and password announced by the invigilator in the Examination log-in page.
3) The candidates need to immediately start the Examination by entering the Password as soon as it is
announced by the Invigilator. Rough worksheets will be provided to the candidates on demand.
4) In the event of the Examination being disrupted, the candidate should immediately inform the
invigilator. The invigilator will help the candidate to re-login to the Examination by clicking on the
Orange Button below RESUME Button on the left of the Exam Name. This will start the exam from
where it had stopped.
5) Numbered list of all questions will appear at the right side of the screen.
6) Keep a close watch on "Time Left" while appearing for the Examination.
7) Question once attempted, it would be final. However, answer can be changed at any time during the
Examination before final submission including unattempting the question using 'de-select' button.
8) This Examination carries negative marking. For every wrong answer, 0.33 marks will be deducted.
9) The 'submit' button would be activated only when you have viewed all the questions at least once.
10) You will be automatically stopped from answering questions when the time of Examination is over and
the Examination will auto-submit.
11) Candidates should not carry any books, paper, mobile phone or any other electronic item to the
Examination venue. UPSC will not be responsible for the safekeeping of such item.
12) Impersonation (to assume the identity of another with intent to deceive) and Plagiarism (the use and
submission of other people's work for assessment as though it were one's own) is forbidden.
13) Candidates must not, on any pretext whatsoever speak to or have any communication with any other
Candidates; such communication will be regarded as a breach of the Examination regulations.
14) Candidates in the Examination venue, who is found to have unauthorized materials in his/her possession,
shall be deemed to be in breach of the Examination regulations. All breaches of Examination regulations
shall be considered to constitute unfair practice. In case any candidate is found to be indulging in unfair
practice, he will be debarred from this and future exams of UPSC and/or liable for disciplinary action.
15) At the conclusion of the Examination, candidates must remain quietly seated and must not
communicate with one another till the entire Examination time has elapsed.
16) No candidate shall be permitted to leave Examination Lab till expiry of the allotted time.
17) No candidate shall be allowed to go to the toilet during the last 30 minutes of the Examination.
18) The candidate must abide by the instructions and such further instructions as may be given by
Supervisor/Invigilator of the Examination. If the candidate fails to do so or indulges in disorderly or
improper conduct, he/she will render himself/herself liable to expulsion from the Examination
and/or such other punishment as the Commission may deem fit to impose.
19) The candidate will furnish such necessary and correct information as may be required from him/her in
the Examination Lab by the Invigilator/Assistant Supervisor/Supervisor/other persons so authorized.
1) The candidate must note that his/her admission to the Examination is strictly "Provisional".
2) The mere fact that an e-Admit Card has been issued to him/her does not imply that the
candidature has been finally cleared by the Commission or that the entries made by the
candidate in his/her application for the Examination have been accepted by the Commission as
true and correct.
3) The candidate must note that the Commission takes up the verification of eligibility conditions i.e.
age, educational qualifications, community etc. with reference to original documents only of those
candidates who qualify in the Examination.
4) Unless the candidature is formally confirmed by the Commission, it continues to be "Provisional".
5) The candidate must also note that if subsequent to the issue of e-Admit Card, ineligibility is
detected at any stage before or after the Examination or if the conditions prescribed in the Rules
and Instructions given in the advertisement or any other additional information/documents
called for at any stage are not complied with within the time specified therein, the candidature
would be rejected.
6) Travelling and other expenses must be borne by the candidate himself/ herself. The Commission
does not make arrangements for boarding and lodging of any candidate.
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